(Code Name BLUE)
Name: Jung Yong Hwa (정용화) (ジョン・ヨンファ, 鄭容和)
Profession: Singer-songwriter and Actor
Birthdate: June 22, 1989 (age 24)
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 180cm
Weight: 63kg
Star sign: Cancer
Blood Type: A
Talent agency: F&C Music
KPOP group: Leader and main vocalist of C.N. Blue
TV Shows:
We Got Married with Girls' Generation's Seohyun
You’re Beautiful (2009)
You’re Beautiful (2009)
Heartstrings/You’ve Fallen for Me (2011)
A Gentleman's Dignity (2012) cameo
Future Choice/Marry Him If You Dare (2013)
Name: Lee Jung Shin (이정신) (イ・ジョンシン, 李正信)
Profession: Singer
Date of Birth: September 15, 1991 (age 22)
Birth Place : South Korea
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 66kg
Star Sign: Virgo
Blood Type: A
Talent agency: F&C Music
KPOP group: Bassist and Backing Vocalist of C.N. Blue
Appeared in 4Minute's "Heart to Heart" Music Video.
TV Shows:
The Blade and Petal (2013)My Daughter Seo Young (2012)You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly (2012) cameo
The Blade and Petal (2013)My Daughter Seo Young (2012)You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly (2012) cameo
Name: Kang Min Hyuk (강민혁) (カン・ミンヒョク, 姜敏赫)
Profession: Singer and actor
Birthdate: June 28, 1991 (age 22)
Birth Place : Ilsan, Seoul, South Korea
Height: 184cm
Weight: 60kg
Star sign: Cancer
Blood type: A
Talent agency: F&C Music
KPOP group: Drummer of C.N. Blue
TV Shows:
It's Okay, Daddy's Girl (2010)
Heartstrings (2011)
It's Okay, Daddy's Girl (2010)
Heartstrings (2011)
My Husband Got a Family/You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly (2012)
The Heirs (2013)
Acted in the movie Acoustic (2010).
Appeared in Orange Caramel's "Magic Girl" Music Video.
Name: Lee Jong Hyun (이종현) (イ・ジョンヒョン, 李宗泫)
Profession: Singer and actor
Birthdate: May 15, 1990 (age 23)
Birth Place : Busan, South Korea
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 64kg
Star Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: O
Talent agency: F&C Music
KPOP group: Guitarist and vocalist of C.N. Blue
TV Shows:
A Gentleman's Dignity (2012)
Adolescence Medley (2013 ep 2-3)
Acted in the movie Acoustic (2010).